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Friday, January 30, 2009

14 children...............

Ok I am all for a loving family and everything, however 14 children to a single mother?

she already had 6 children under the age of 7 and her mother says she was taking fertility drugs and to top it off she lives at home with her parent's.

I am sorry who is paying for these 14 children? the state of California? I can barely pay for my own two children and all of the house bills, so I would like to know how this mother in her 30's going to pay for her 14 children.

Why should her father (grandfather of the 14) have to go back to do contracting jobs in Iraq just to help pay for these children when they should not be a burden to the grandparents.

mid 30's and 14 children and no husband

I am sure everyone is just so excited about 8 babies and I am sure the family thinks they are going to get a lot of free things from Pampers and other companies who make baby products and that would be wonderful if the family did get the free things ,however if this mother of 14 is on welfare, we the taxpayers have every right to know and also have it explained to us on how she is still on welfare when there is a 2 year lifetime limit the last time I checked.

She does not want to be identified but they showed her home and also talked to her neighbors who are not that happy about it. Nadia I thought is what the neighbor said her name was.

Oh well, life will go on and I hope the 14 children grow up to be very successful. However the mother should be banned from having any more children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I totally agree!
How on earth can anyone bring that many children up and afford to give them everything they need as well as the individual attention that each child needs as they go through the different stages of life.
With that many children you could never afford to go anywhere.
Imagine trying to take 14 children to a zoo?
Or even to the shops or library!