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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Clint Eastwood's New Movie

I think sometimes we should think about the movies we make.

This is all about a CAR? a 1973 Gran Torino to be exact that is where the name of the movie is drawn from.

However , this movie has more to it then a car, it is showing a grumpy old man that thinks he can change the world all by himself using violence.

The clips shown on TV clearly show that this is a Violent Movie and that we all need to tkae caution now that it is out, a white grumpy old man with a gun who thinks violence is acceptable is not going to cut it in the REAL WORLD, there wll be many copy cats that go around shooting young children regardless if they are in a gang or not just because they were standing there.

Vigliantes are not what we need, Educaton is what we need and Mr. Eastwood if you want to make a statement about gangs and other things going on in this world why not do it by creating programs to help the youth of today.

Mr.Eastwood you have made enough money from your movies to be able to take some of that money to put to good use instead of making a line of movies about violence and giving old men thoughts of carry guns and trying to make a change.

I think it is time that the actors of Hollywood think about what they are starring in and stand up and SAY NO to many of the movies that are being made, it is not ok.

I am sure everyone is going to disagree with me and so be it, however violence stops with education, nt showing people it is ok to be violent.

I do not know about all of you, however I am tired of it, the only way for us to tell HOLLYWOOD we are tired of it is by not buying the movie tickets.....

With the way everyone is losing their jobs, 10.75 per ticket could get you a pack of meat and veggies to cook for your families, think about it?

I need a new keyboard, my letters are missing, so please excuse the missing letters and typos.

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