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Monday, December 17, 2007

Lt.Col gets to see Daughter in Nutcracker....

Ok so he wanted to see his daughter in her play as a baby mouse in the Nutcracker however he is deployed in Iraq...... Ummmm.. there are a lot of enlisted men and women who would like to see their children's FIRST's also..

I do not see the pentagon making any special viewings for these other enlisted men and women.

We are in a WAR people so yes you will miss the first and last of many things while in a WAR....Officers should not have special treatment they do get paid more and treated better whether at peace or in a war.

People are dying and this Lt. Col is worried about the Nutcracker which could have been video taped and watched later??? Maybe he needs to go home and retire so he can watch everything his child does, I mean gee he is in charge of how many enlisted men and women and so is he really doing his job being so worried about this play???

So while he was watching this special viewing that the Petagon set up how many of his enlisted men and women under his watch were killed or wounded???? We wil never know the true facts on that will we??

Many people have lost loved ones and those loved ones missed alot of First's and will miss alot more now that they are gone. I really think the pentagon needs to think before it does something like this and have it broadcasted all over the Country. It does not help the men and women on the front line.

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