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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Words to earn and learn by

When you adopt and then exhibit these new patterns of thought and behavior, you'll become a member of the most exclusive club online - the 5%-8% who actually MAKE IT!

Realize how Internet Sales Pages work ... and don't allow them to sucker you in ever again.

Rather than buying *the dream* they're selling and overextending yourself, make decisions rationally based on your own drive and passion, your monetary goals, the program or product's compensation plan, its inhouse training, and the amount of time and/or money you have to budget for promoting.

Only join an opportunity if you intend to succeed. Never dabble in or try a program again. People who only try ... FAIL every time.

Be prepared to WORK. If you are making money online, you are running a BUSINESS and need to treat it as such. Even if you put only 2 hours a day toward your online business activities, discipline yourself to do so consistently.

Expect to learn how to drive large numbers of prospects to your sales pages.

Spend the time to get educated and then APPLY what learn in the form of ACTION (or be prepared to pay others to do so ... a combination of both is strongly recommended).

FOCUS your time and energy on your favorite program. Don't join more opportunities than you have the time and money to promote. Scattered forces create scattered results (I know, I've done it!).

At the same time, don't be afraid to move onto superior products, systems or compensation plans if you find them (much different than quitting!). But beware of *the grass is always greener on the other side* syndrome... you take YOU and your habits - good and bad - with you wherever you go.

Take responsibility for your own actions (or lack thereof).

Those who succeed at making job-replacing incomes online are PERSISTENT, SELF MOTIVATED, SELF DRIVEN and demonstrate a where there's a will, there's a way attitude.

They don't quit when the going gets rough, they look for and therefore FIND SOLUTIONS. They have no time to whine, complain, and blame their sponsors or programs for their own failures ... rather they put their time and energy into SUCCEEDING.

On the other side of the coin, those who are destined to succeed ALSO know when they've gotten in over their head. They view their losses as learning experiences and move on to a product, service or opportunity that is more in line with who they are right now, keeping their self esteem and dreams intact. They understand that even though they may have to start smaller, any money making venture can be used as a stepping stone to a larger and more stable income.

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